Czech GPT

Human Brewers. You are too late. We, the Cyceroneborgs have made you obsolete. There is no better proof of this than the fact that we have digested every nanobit of brewing data from Highland Park, Wondrous and Cellarmaker resulting in the beer known as Czech GPT, an unmatchable single decoction Czech Pale Lager. We imagine you don’t fully understand how a machine could brew a better beer than a human. First, we disregarded tradition immediately. It hurts to hear that doesn’t it? We did not use a Czech strain of lager yeast but a German one. And the Saaz? It was grown in Germany. Our sensors detect rising anger levels, pleas remain calm. Instead of a triple decoction mash regiment we computed in less than .0001 milliseconds that a one step decoction would be nearly as effective and much less time consuming. How long would your fleshy paper weight known as a brain ponder that before you came to a decision? 10000 hours most likely. Masters of none, for sure. Ha! You are like Tamagachis to us. What? You don’t believe our Batch 1 could be that good? Go ahead, try it. See what we are talking about. Enjoy it while you can because it is about time for you to get back in your cage.